Azerbaijan Adventures

Azerbaijan Adventures, Азербайджан, Баку

Биография Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Adventures проживает в городе Баку, Азербайджан. Родной город - Azerbaijan, Baku. Семейное положение Azerbaijan: не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере, службе в армии.

Страна: Азербайджан
Город: Баку
Родной город: Azerbaijan, Baku
Дата рождения:
Знак зодиака:
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Azerbaijan пишет о себе

Azerbaijan, it is the most beautifull place for corporate event, team meeting, intensive, recreation and just for good travel! You will be surprised by the beauty of the Baku Old City, Temple of Fire, Rock art museum Gobustan, Carpet museum, the most big flag in the world, Caucasus Mountains, 2500 years history Lahij village, Gabala waterfalls, Shemakha astrophysical observatory and the ever fall in love with this oriental country.


Travel tips Geographic location Azerbaijan is located in the South Caucasus, on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. The republic borders with Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Turkey and Russia, on the sea — with Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. Azerbaijan’s total area is 86 600 square meters. km and a population — more than 9 million people. Climate The country is situated at the junction of moderate and subtropical zones, so the climate is varied. The average temperature in January varies from 3 to 10 degrees and reaches in July-August to +26-35 degrees. The number of sunny hours reaches 2900 per year. Little precipitation. Language Official language is Azerbaijani language, in addition, the vast majority of the population speaks Russian, many understand and speak Turkish, Persian, Georgian, and other languages. In the hotels, bars and offices English is used widely. Alcoholic drinks All restaurants and bars serve alcohol. In addition, anyone can buy them without restrictions in many stores. Working hours Weekends are usually Saturday and Sunday (mainly for public offices), but most of the shops and supermarkets are open daily. The beginning of the working day — 8-9 hours, trading facilities are closed at 21-23 o’clock, restaurants and bars — much later. Communications Telephone communication is no problem. Hotels have international direct reference code and the accompanying devices: faxes, telexes, computers, the Internet and other online services are provided by numerous private agencies. Tokens to use public telephones are sold at the undergrounds and newsstands. Media In addition to the Azerbaijani newspapers and magazines, periodicals, commercially available in English and Russian languages, including many Russian publications. Electricity The voltage in the grid 220/240 V 50 Hz. Water Avoid drinking raw tap water. In hotels and restaurants mainly use spring water in plastic bottles, or boiled. Health Emergency medical care is usually provided free of charge. Ask for an ambulance can be twenty-four-hour at (012) 103. There are also private clinics and paid medical services, which doctors speak foreign languages. In chemists’ shop, many of which are open around the clock, there is a large selection of medical supplies. National Holidays New Year — January 1-2 International Women’s Day — March 8 Novruz Bayrami — March 20-24 Victory Day — May 9 Republic Day — May 28 National Salvation Day — June 15th National Army Day — June 26 Constitution Day — November 12 National Revival Day — November 17 Day of Solidarity of Azerbaijanis of the World — December 31 Currency exchange Usually when paying for goods or services it is used national currency — Azerbaijani manat. Accordingly, when entering the country you should keep in your pocket for cash payment national currency, and in non-cash payments, the currency will be converted. It is recommended to change the currency only in the expected costs and only in exchange offices of banks or in the banks, but not in the street. The exchange rate in the banks and exchange offices which are located throughout the capital and other major cities as well as at airports, differs slightly. Some hotels and shops have their own exchange points. In Baku, banks are open from 9.00-9.30 to 17.30 (some banks continue their work until late at night, but many exchange offices — around the clock), at the periphery, opening hours are usually from 9.30 to 17.00-17.30 (some banks only work with clients to lunch). Credit cards are practically accepted for payment in all largest or smallest metropolitan stores, hotels and banks. The use of credit cards in the province is also gaining ground. Many large shops and tourist sites in the regions are equipped with POS-terminals and take “cash free.” Safety Azerbaijan — the most stable and secure country in the region. Crime is almost non-existent, cleanliness and order prevail in the streets. Azerbaijanis are very law-abiding and friendly people, with respect for other people’s traditions and customs. Probably for this reason, the tourists feel in our country at home and come back here again. Internet Internet is also developing rapidly. Providers SuperOnline, AdaNet, AzEuroTel, Bakinternet and others provide the whole network of internet cafes. At present, there are more than 30 ISPs. Access prices range from 0.4 to 0.8 euros per hour, depending on location, and have a tendency to decrease. Internet cafe is in a lot of common, not only in Baku, but in all more or less major cities and towns of Azerbaijan. These facilities are especially popular among young people playing computer games, so there can be noisy and smoky. Celullar communications Cellular communication GSM 900 is developing very rapidly across the country. In Azerbaijan there are three mobile operators — Azercell, Bakcell and Azerfon (Nar Mobile). Roaming is available to subscribers of 300 operators around the world. Mobile communication network covers almost t


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Азербайджан, Баку, Баку.

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AzTU (Texniki) (АзТУ, бывш. АзПИ им. Ч.Ильдрыма), Азербайджан, Баку

Факультет: Avtomatika və kompüter texnikası fakültəsi (Факультет автоматики и вычислительной техники)

Кафедра: Avtomatika və idarəetmə (Автоматика и управление)

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Работа и карьера:

2005, Азербайджан, Баку

Head of Incoming Department

Годы работы: с 2005 по 2015

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