Abdisa Ahmed, Эфиопия, Addis Ababa

Биография Abdisa

Abdisa Ahmed проживает в городе Addis Ababa, Эфиопия. Родной город - Addis Ababa . Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере, службе в армии, родственниках.

Страна: Эфиопия
Город: Addis Ababa
Родной город: Addis Ababa
Дата рождения:
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Abdisa пишет о себе

BALE MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK HISTORY Estabishment--1970 Area--2,165 km2 stretch —--74 km north to South and 58 km East to west Altitude range above sea level —-— 1,500 m(the lowest at shisha) to 4,377 my ( Tulu Dimtu) Caregories Based on vegetation Distribution divided in to five parts [id1625139|*Northern] Grassland [id1625139|*Northern] woodland [id1790980|*Heather] moorland *Afroalpine meadows [id335675162|*Harena] Forest ACCOMMODATIONS Bale mountain lodge This lodge found in Harena forest seven kilometers after Rira kebele to the southwest direction. it has luxurious type of services; but expensive. DINSHO LODGE it is found at the park headquarters one kilometer after the office to the southwest direction. BEKELE MOLA HOTEL found in Robe town. WABE SHEBELE HOTEL it is found at the gate of gobs town when we derive from Robe town. in Addition to the above listed accommodations in the nerarby towns we have many hotels such as seko Mendo in Robe and isek in Goba CAMPING in the destination there are 20 tent based eampsite.to spend overnight in the eampsites you required to bring tent, sleeping bag and eooking materials from Addis or other eities/towns ARRANGEMNTS Bale mountains national park tourism experts and/or nyala guides members can assist you on arrival, arrange trekking and provide necessary information. HOW TO VISIT to reach bale mountains national park by private vehicele from Addis Ababa you will have two alternative routes which are through shashemene and Asela. Both routes take 6-7 hours. pubic buses leave early morning from Addis Ababa central bus station. it is best to buy ticket in advance and ask for Dinsho on the way where you get the park main gate and office. ATTRACTIONS bale mountains national park endowed with outstanding natural attractions which include: 78 mammals, 310 birds, 1600 plants species of which 20,6 and 160 are endemic the country respectively. in addiction amphibians reptiles, fish and invertebrate wildlife, lanfseapes and hydrology system are other potentials IL you com to the area you will undertake the following activities: Wildlife viewing: mountain nyala,Ethiopian wolf, menelik's bushbucks,Bale monkey, starks hate, giant molerat,birds etc. MOUNTAIN TREKKING FOREST WALKING OTHER NAMES Abdisa Nickname Ahmed Father's Name


BALE MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK HISTORY Estabishment--1970 Area--2, 165 km2 stretch ----74 km north to South and 58 km East to west Altitude range above sea level ----- 1, 500 m(the lowest at shisha) to 4, 377 my ( Tulu Dimtu) Caregories Based on vegetation Distribution divided in to five parts *Northern Grassland *Northern woodland *Heather moorland *Afroalpine meadows *Harena Forest ACCOMMODATIONS Bale mountain lodge This lodge found in Harena forest seven kilometers after Rira kebele to the southwest direction. it has luxurious type of services; but expensive. DINSHO LODGE it is found at the park headquarters one kilometer after the office to the southwest direction. BEKELE MOLA HOTEL found in Robe town. WABE SHEBELE HOTEL it is found at the gate of gobs town when we derive from Robe town. in Addition to the above listed accommodations in the nerarby towns we have many hotels such as seko Mendo in Robe and isek in Goba CAMPING in the destination there are 20 tent based eampsite.to spend overnight in the eampsites you required to bring tent, sleeping bag and eooking materials from Addis or other eities/towns ARRANGEMNTS Bale mountains national park tourism experts and/or nyala guides members can assist you on arrival, arrange trekking and provide necessary information. HOW TO VISIT to reach bale mountains national park by private vehicele from Addis Ababa you will have two alternative routes which are through shashemene and Asela. Both routes take 6-7 hours. pubic buses leave early morning from Addis Ababa central bus station. it is best to buy ticket in advance and ask for Dinsho on the way where you get the park main gate and office. ATTRACTIONS bale mountains national park endowed with outstanding natural attractions which include: 78 mammals, 310 birds, 1600 plants species of which 20, 6 and 160 are endemic the country respectively. in addiction amphibians reptiles, fish and invertebrate wildlife, lanfseapes and hydrology system are other potentials IL you com to the area you will undertake the following activities: Wildlife viewing: mountain nyala, Ethiopian wolf, menelik's bushbucks, Bale monkey, starks hate, giant molerat, birds etc. MOUNTAIN TREKKING FOREST WALKING OTHER NAMES Abdisa Nickname Ahmed Father's Name


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Эфиопия, Аддис-Абеба, Addis Ababa.

Среднее образование:

Высшее образование:

Работа и карьера:


Black Fox, Эфиопия, Addis Ababa


Годы работы: с 2005 по 2017

Найти коллег


Bale Training, дедушка/бабушка
Bmnp, отец/мать
Guide, брат/сестра

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Однофамильцы Abdisa Ahmed

Ahmed Marcel

Египет, Hurghada

1 января 1996
Ahmed Omar

Египет, Cairo

8 марта 2000
Ahmed Anas

Египет, Alexandria

8 сентября 1991
Ahmed Sabbir

Бангладеш, Dhaka

21 мая 1997