Alejandro Barreto

Alejandro Barreto, Мексика, México

Биография Alejandro

Alejandro Barreto проживает в городе México, Мексика. Родной город - México City. Рожден в год Обезъяны по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Рыбы. В настоящий момент Alejandro 44 года. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем образовании.

Страна: Мексика
Город: México
Родной город: México City
Возраст: 44 года
Дата рождения: 10 марта 1980
Знак зодиака: Рыбы, год Обезъяны
Семейное положение:

Alejandro пишет о себе

He studied a degree in visual arts with specialization in engraving, in UAEMex. He obtained the degree of Master in Visual Arts specialty recorded by the Graduate Visual Arts of Ancient Academy San Carlos de la UNAM in Mexico City with a circus theme and mass media. Currently he is pursuing a PhD in Arts and Design, National School of Plastic Arts of the UNAM with its specialty in Russian folk graphic Lubok and work of José Guadalupe Posada. To his credit they have more than 40 group and 5 singles, both in Mexico and abroad exhibitions. EU, Canada, Russia, Greece, Spain, Romania, Macedonia, Slovakia, France, Egypt, Argentina, Italy, in which stand out:   • Visual Dialogues: Mexico Russia. Embassy of the Russian Federation in Mexico. • Vintage Surf: Euskal Etxea Basque Center, Polanco, Mexico DF • Collective of the International Print Triennial: the museum graphic Cairo, Egypt • Mock pantomime: the Age of the end ": the MICROSCOPE gallery L'UQAM, Quebec, Canada. • INAHERTE Anthropology of the fantastic ": Single, at CES "Jaime Sabines" old school 110 in Moscow, Russia. • Fact and Fiction in the Arts: Leica Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic. • Lubok Charges and engravings: Gallery Pororoca, Juazeiro, Brazil.   It has been selected in several international competitions and where his work has been published in catalogs of these graphics, as well as museums and graphic art foundations such as: BIENNIAL BODIO LOMNAGO in the province of Varesse and ARTI GRAFICHE COLOMBO in Italy, Ex Libris Biennial in Bulgaria, Xylon-Argentina, Triennale recorded in Macedonia, among others.   His work has been reviewed and published in art magazines as criticism of the Autonomous University of Puebla. and O.M.D. Magazzine publication of Mexico-Texas. He has illustrated children's books, covers historical texts and poems to various publishers. It has belonged to groups such as: ALAWRENCE to promote projects in Mexico -EU- Canada. AMGIP B.C. (Mexican Association of Plastic recorders AC Research, as an active member and promoter in the period 2007-2009. Founder and coordinator of the Graphic Workshop Integration and Experimentation: "tombola" Museum of the stamp of Toluca, and all activities relating to it since 2007.   It has emerged as a cultural manager through institutions and universities abroad, making agreements with art institutions in the US, Brazil, Russia, Canada and Poland. He completed an academic stay in Brazil with the project in the pororoca LUBOKUS.RU.MX gallery and the State UNIVASF Petrolina. He also participated in the Twelfth Biennial of Havana 2015 with the same project, and made an artistic stay at the Experimental Graphics Workshop of Havana, Cuba.    It has foray into professional artistic research projects mass media and art, Byzantine art, popular Russian art and graphics supported by the UNAM Mexican Likewise, he has participated and coordinated numerous lectures and seminars PhD in various institutions around the issue of Soviet art and children's illustration.


Искусство, Гравюра, Коллекционирование, детская иллюстрация и традиционных искусств России


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Мексика, Мексико, México.

Высшее образование:


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Мексика, México

Факультет: Facultad de Artes y Diseño (Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas)

Статус: Доктор наук, Очное отделение

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Однофамильцы Alejandro Barreto

Barreto Martin

Уругвай, Canelones

29 декабря 1972
Barreto Paulo

Бразилия, Fortaleza

17 ноября 1963
Barreto Yurico

Перу, Trujillo

10 декабря 1991
Barreto Luke

Бразилия, São Paulo

11 января 1978