Kelly Biggs

Kelly Biggs, США, Los Angeles

Биография Kelly

Kelly Biggs проживает в городе Los Angeles, США. Знак зодиака Рак. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании.

Страна: США
Город: Los Angeles
Родной город:
Дата рождения: 17 июля
Знак зодиака: Рак
Семейное положение:

Kelly пишет о себе

Self-summary: I may not be Brad Pitt, but I definitely don’t qualify to be Brad “Spit” neither (smile). Details at 11. NOW THAT I’VE GOT YOUR ATTENTION…….You’re dealing with the ultimate gentleman/bad boy. No matter what happens, at the end of the day I’ll make you smile, laugh, and wonder, “How come I’ve never met a guy like this before??!!” I love to listen to smooth jazz and RnB music as I relax on my back patio. I love to talk smack when I’m beating someone in a game of pool. I hate it when women are “DROP DEAD GORGEOUS” on the outside and “DROP DEAD GARBAGE” on the inside. I loooove to sing Luther Vandross songs. Also, I would love to be blessed with the lady of my life. Want to know more??? Well, that can’t happen unless you contact me. Hate playing games??!! Hate being told lies??!! Well, come on…I’M YOUR MAN!!!YOU NEED THIS in your life!!! PEACE & BLESSINGS!!! You still haven’t messaged me yet??!! LET’S GO…CHOP, CHOP!!!! (smile) MAY GOD BLESS YOU INDEED!! I receive messages frequently but I do respond quickly. XOXOXOXO I spend a lot of time thinking about: Having SOME KIND OF FUN with Sofia Vergara, Halle Berry, Salma Hayek, and Kim Kardashian {not @ the same time though}. I heard that they are quite fond of me so I figure that’s the least that I could do. AIN’T I SWEET!!! LOL On a typical Friday night I am: Doing what makes me live life better or makes me smile! If you win my sweepstakes, you will automatically win a chance to do these things with me as well. TICKETS ON SALE NOW!!!


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Калифорния, Los Angeles.

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Однофамильцы Kelly Biggs

Biggs Greg

США, San Francisco

дата рождения не указана

Biggs Wayne

Канада, Niagara Falls

17 декабря 1969
Biggs Jason

США, New York City

12 мая 1978
Biggs George

Украина, Киев

7 июля 1977