Govindanandini Devidasi

Govindanandini Devidasi, США, San Jose

Биография Govindanandini

Govindanandini Devidasi проживает в городе San Jose, США.

Страна: США
Город: San Jose
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Govindanandini пишет о себе

Dandavats, devotees! Joined VK because there's so much more going on here than facebook! I'm currently learning Russian, so if you want to help me out, it'd be much appreciated! I almost know the whole Cyrillic alphabet, so I can kinda navigate a bit around here, but don't know so many words yet. Just gotta practice! I'm also in the process of learning Bengali, so if you wanna help me with that, as well, that'd be awesome. I can almost read, too, just a tiny bit more to go. Vocab is the next step. I understand Spanish and can mostly speak, but I'm very rusty, so if you know Spanish and wanna chat, it'd be a good way for me to remember more! It's been great meeting the hispanic devotees of our mission, because then there's always an opportunity for me to get better. I really want to travel around the world and visit all of our ashrams and centres and meet all of the devotees, but I currently am very poor, not working, living full-time in the ashrams in California, so I'm guessing it's just a matter of waiting and seeing what opportunities present themselves. I'm hoping to teach myself some skills that I can use for some money-making that don't require me to stay in any one physical location, like maybe coding, graphic design, stuff with computers and tech/digital media, so we'll see. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask and feel free to add me 'cause I definitely want to make more friends here! Much affection, -Govindanandini DD


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Калифорния, San Jose.

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Однофамильцы Govindanandini Devidasi

Devidasi Pramajami

Россия, Екатеринбург

7 июля 1997
Devidasi Larisa

Россия, Краснодар

3 февраля
Devidasi Srilekha

дата рождения не указана

Devidasi Isvari

дата рождения не указана