Dave Edelbrock

Dave Edelbrock, США

Биография Dave

Родной город - Findlay, OH. Семейное положение Dave: не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем образовании.

Страна: США
Родной город: Findlay, OH
Дата рождения:
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Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Dave пишет о себе

Really, just a normal guy from a big family that runs a business with two kids in college and really looking to start my next chapter in my life. Very easy going and rarely get mad. I used to date a lot but now I found it is hard to find the right girl for I am maybe too picky and most want too much (time and money) from me. Really most of the women in the USA is all about the money. It is too bad that happiness is not on the same or higher level than the money side.


Wow, my interests are quite broad. Not only do I enjoy sporting activities but love the theater and have attended some opera. Really just looking to find my real match in life which I have not found in the USA. Really down to earth and do not need a lot of financial resources to survive in life. Materialistic things are not really that important to me even though I do spend mucho money each month on my automatic door business I run in Addison Texas. Do manufacture everything in the USA and proud that I can use local vendors.

Высшее образование:

Ohio State University, США, Columbus

Факультет: College of Engineering

Кафедра: Integrated Systems Engineering

Статус: Выпускник (бакалавр)

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Однофамильцы Dave Edelbrock

Edelbrock Holley 15 сентября 1995