Ryan пишет о себе
< AWAKE since 1993, I'm a Freedom Fighter, Jedi Master of the InfoWars, Bard of the Nth American Revolution, honest sinner, Spiritual Warrior, 9/11 Truther... MY EYES ARE OPEN, and I, TOO, am CHANGE!
Be Wise as Serpents,
Innocent as Doves
ask and i might tell
I AM AN ICONOCLAST. What do "iconoclasts" do? In ancient times, the term showed they were like "prophets" who tore-down and SMASHED statues of false gods, or pagan IDOLS. Barack Obama and Glenn Beck are such IDOLS (worshiped figures) of the DELUDED brainwashed sheeple masses who strive according to false left-right paradigms. AND I SO WANT TO SEE THEIR IDOLATRIES SMASHED TO BITS! The drooling, doting DRONES of Glenn Beck by high-minded neo-cons, and the mindless zombie worship of Barack Obama ... UTTERLY DESTROYED!
A-r-e y-o-u R-E-L-A-X-E-D-?
If I do not seem "relaxed" to you it is probably because, unlike you, I realize our country is at war. And no I do not mean Iraq or Afghanistan or the lie that is "the war on (of) terror", but an INFO WAR of ideas, truth against lies. America is being lied to from all corners and I CANNOT conscientiously NOT do something about it.
I have been passive all my life, and I was a simple blindly-following sheep for far too long. I have to do something and that time is now ... I used to spend a lot of time studying the Great Shepherd. Would you have told Jesus to "R-E-L-A-X" when he walked into the Temple and saw all the moneychangers cheating people out of their money and livelihoods?!? Ron Paul can't and I can't neither. As to the GLOBALISTS who want to ruin our country (NO NOT the Democrats or Republicans but the EVIL CABAL that are against Liberty), as far as I am concerned... IT'S ON!!!
TRUTH SPARES NO ONE! ALL of us risk constant collateral damage when we choose to enter it's demesne. The choice then becomes: will we then build ourselves back up using the devastation of enlightenment that Truth brings to us? Or will we whimper and pathetically scrape up all our remains and retreat with a defeated blood trail, backing out the very same door we came in at? TRUTH HAS NOW BECOME MY WAY OF LIFE!
Ron Paul once said "Truth is Treason in an Empire of Lies."
And George Orwell also said "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
I leave you with a final quote, and ALL of you should ALSO be freaking out and convicted by now! And if you make fun of me then I hope you enjoy your SWINE FLU VACCINE DEATH, your CHAINS, and life imprisonment in FEMA DEATH CAMPS!
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." - Dresden James
Bible, 9/11 Truth, Theology, Women, Technology, Music, Art, various other interests...