Hanz Humberto

Hanz Humberto, США, Atlanta Junction

Биография Hanz

Hanz Humberto проживает в городе Atlanta Junction, США. Родной город - Hassen. Семейное положение Hanz: не женат.

Страна: США
Город: Atlanta Junction
Родной город: Hassen
Дата рождения:
Знак зодиака:
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Hanz пишет о себе

I am looking for that woman who wants to have fun, enjoy life, which likes motorcycle rides, hunting, camping and other outdoor type things and also likes indoor stuff like movies, TV and fixing up things around the house. I don’t need someone to fix me, other than workout with me as I work on regaining my old body, but would like to spend time with me doing things we both like. I am hoping for a fun loving person who likes the same things, or is willing to try them out with me and understands it’s for fun to start, I feel love does not come from words on the internet but from getting to know someone and with time and understanding it may become more than a friendship. Besides, I like to talk with people, not type out short notes or long letters; you get to know someone by conversation, observation, doing things with them and above all hearing what they say and how they say it, so if any of this hits home please contact me and let’s see what happens next.


The ideal lady for me is honest, kind-hearted, confident, and family-oriented. I really see no use in pretending to be something that you aren't, or going into a relationship in hopes of changing someone. I'm a firm believer that in order for you to be happy in a relationship, you first have to be happy with yourself. I am looking for a woman who is emotionally stable. I feel that a special relationship starts with true friendship. It friendship progress mutually to the bloom of romance, to permanence, then that will be great


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Джорджия, Atlanta Junction.

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Однофамильцы Hanz Humberto

Humberto Angel

Мексика, México

31 декабря 1990
Humberto Volney

Перу, Arequipa

6 сентября
Humberto Angel

Мексика, Mérida

3 сентября 1994
Humberto Omar

Колумбия, Bogotá

1 мая 1968