Севан пишет о себе
I'm female. I'm an INTP, and I have synesthesia.
I'm a freelance web programmer, though I aspire to go into pharmaceutical research/development. (Side note: I finished school right around the time I turned 16, if you've figured out my age and were wondering how/if I work, or whatever.) I do tarot card readings. I'm an author (though not I've not had anything published.. yet). I collect and mod ball-jointed dolls. I'm very open; I don't mind telling the most personal things about myself to complete strangers.. I like taking risks, I like the unknown, I like to stand out, I like to be alone, I like to be abstract, impractical, fearless, and strange. I'm very.. messy (it's organized chaos). I'm interested in anything about revolt, disorder, chaos, especially activity that appears to have no meaning. I spend way too much time rambling at strangers online (as I am doing right now). I also have a tendency of getting so caught up in describing myself for online profiles that I end up writing too much and exceed the maximum allotted number of characters..
Anyway, here's a list of my interests (ripped straight from my StumbleUpon, lol), and a few lists of some of my favorite media, in case you're still curious about me. And also, if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to leave them in my inbox! I am interested in: Acting, ambient music, ancient history, animation, anthropology, art, biotechnology, cognitive science, computer science, drama, electronica, film making, film noir, foreign films, futurism, genetics, history, industrial music, linguistics, linux, literature, medical science, mental health, mental illness, movies, mythology, nihilism, operating systems, pharmacology, philosophy, physics, political science, programming, psychology, roleplaying, science fiction, sewing, sociology, technology, urban exploration, writing. (And a whole lot more.)