Alisia Naneva

Alisia Naneva, Болгария, Sofia

Биография Alisia

Alisia Naneva проживает в городе Sofia, Болгария. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем образовании.

Страна: Болгария
Город: Sofia
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Alisia пишет о себе

I am Alisia Naneva,and if you want to find a home or make a property investment in Bulgaria, I can help you. I am based in Sofia the capital of Bulgaria! I also have many partners throughout Bulgaria and can assist you buying in these areas too. I can inform you about availability, provide more detailed information and organise viewings for any property in any area, even if it is not currently in my books, at no additional cost. I can also help you: register a company; obtain legal advice; check any property and its paperwork; with accountancy, book keeping and tax services; with builders, interior design, furnishing, and architectural services; with garden and property management and maintenance; to find accommodation; rent a car; get a resident status in Bulgaria; with banking and transfer of funds and finally with all types of advice in general. Today Bulgaria enjoys a stable market oriented government and the economy is growing at a rapid pace. Towns are a hotbed of development, new roads are being built and existing ones improved everywhere, and signs of new prosperity are to be seen wherever you look. The European Union accession took place in January 2007 and low cost airfares are available. However, for the time being, property is still very affordable. Like France twenty years ago, or Spain fifteen years ago, many properties, usually requiring some renovation to bring them up to modern standards, are available at prices last seen in the UK forty years ago. With Bulgaria consistently appearing as one of the top three property overseas investment opportunities in media reports, now surely is the time to buy. The real bargains are to be had in the countryside.Younger Bulgarians prefer to move to the towns, and consequently a proportion of the properties in most of the villages stand empty. With a territory almost half of the size of the UK, and under 8,000,000 population, you will be spoiled by the choice on offer! The prices of the properties, while moving steadily upwards, are still very low. While fully converted large modern villas can be found in the countryside for £25000 to £75000, expect to pay between £3000 and £12000 for an un-modernised solid house. Nearly all of these village houses have mains electricity and most mains water, although some use wells or boreholes. Sewage disposal in most of the villages is by septic tank. There is no mains gas outside of the large towns. For extensions to existing village properties, things are fairly relaxed. For new houses, permission from the municipality is required, which will involve architects plans, and some fees. Obviously, within towns, particularly in historic and picturesque areas, more attention will be paid by the authorities to development plans. I can help with planning, if you wish. Generally, inward investment and development is popular with the local residents and officials. Houses in the towns are more sought after and, particularly in Veliko Turnovo, more expensive.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Болгария, город София, Sofia.

Высшее образование:

Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС), Германия, Pritzwalk

Факультет: Юридически факултет

Кафедра: Право

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Однофамильцы Alisia Naneva

Naneva Diana

Болгария, Sofia

13 ноября 1993
Naneva Karina

Южная Корея, Seoul

дата рождения не указана

Naneva Nanay

дата рождения не указана