Anna Olafsdottir (Hulda)

Anna Olafsdottir (Hulda), Россия, Москва

Биография Anna

Anna Olafsdottir проживает в городе Москва, Россия. Родной город - Iceland, Reykjavík. Девичья фамилия (фамилия до вступления в брак) - Hulda. Рождена в год Крысы по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Овен. В настоящий момент Anna 40 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании, карьере.

Страна: Россия
Город: Москва
Родной город: Iceland, Reykjavík
Возраст: 40 лет
Дата рождения: 3 апреля 1984
Знак зодиака: Овен, год Крысы
Семейное положение:

Anna пишет о себе

✨I'm sponsored by Casall, Eat to perform, Glo and NOW ✨I am a PhD st. in Engineering ✨I teach System Dynamics at the University of Iceland every other semester ✨Im a Mother of a 4 year old girl and live in Reykjavík with my fiancé ✨I'm a CrossFitter. Went to the regionals first 2012, and then with my team in 2013. We made it to the finals at the Crossfit Games. In 2014 I was 9th overall in the individual competition at the Regionals. ✨I'm a Weightlifter (60kg BW). Currently have 4 Icelandic records in weightlifting (3 in -58kg category and 1 in -63kg category). I was the first Icelandic female to compete in the European championship in weightlifting and the first Icelandic female that placed on the podium in the nordic championship in weightlifting. I was elected the female weightlifter of the year in Iceland both in 2012 and 2013. I am the current (2014) Nordic champion in -58kg class in weightlifting. ✨I am CF L1 certificated and I coach at Crossfit Reykjaví


I'm not a professional athlete so I do not have 24 hours in the day to train. I try to eat clean, mainly plant based diet and focus my training sessions on Olympic weightlifting. I also love CrossFit and outside activities. I was in the national Icelandic gymnastic team when I was a teenager. In my formative years I spent most of my time in the gym and it certainly shaped the person I am today. As for athletic performance my background has been a huge bonus and made it easy for me to learn new sports. When I gave birth to my child I thought that my days as a serious sport competitor was over and mentally I was ready to focus on my growing family and my profession as an Engineer. Life, on the other hand, sometimes has something else planned for you. At the same time I gave birth to my perfect little angel, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. She passed away one month after her diagnostic. For me this was a turning point, and as soon as I could see clearly again I placed my focus on getting myself in the shape of my life again. This life experience made myself realise how shaky life can be and how quickly it can vanish. My mother was a real superhero, really athletic and accomplished woman and with her as a role model I try to make the best of all my days, both professionally, in sports and with my family. I hope that I can inspire and motivate people like my mother did for me.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Россия, Центральный федеральный округ, Москва.

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Однофамильцы Anna Olafsdottir

Olafsdóttir Arnlaug

Исландия, Reykjavík

дата рождения не указана

Ólafsdóttir Amiina

Россия, Санкт-Петербург

дата рождения не указана

Olafsdottir Edith

дата рождения не указана

Ólafsdóttir Hólmfríur

дата рождения не указана