Israel Opadeyi

Israel Opadeyi, Нигерия, Abuja

Биография Israel

Israel Opadeyi проживает в городе Abuja, Нигерия. Родной город - Offa, Kwara state. Семейное положение Israel: женат. Знак зодиака Козерог.

Страна: Нигерия
Город: Abuja
Родной город: Offa, Kwara state
Дата рождения: 12 января
Знак зодиака: Козерог
Семейное положение: состоит в браке

Israel пишет о себе

I am a Certified, Creative Info/Brand Graphic Designer, Digital Marketing Expert, and Social Media Influencer with over 2 years of experience. My belief in the power of Creative Processes, Relationships, Techniques, and Concepts is vital for the explosive growth and development of small and middle scale businesses in the World. Having Partnered with CEO's, Executives and Solopreneurs to grow their Personal and Professional brands, get more customers and increase sales; handled their PR and marketing, I can tell you what truly drives popularity, influence and sales, it is how well you/your brand connect with the heartbeat of the people you want to help. In addition the responsibility to handle National and International projects on Digital Media and Marketing, which are featured on most major social networks. My passion involves; learning and implementing new creative, innovative, automated, easy to use I.C.T related solutions, growing with a job, handling responsibilities and building positive relationships. My Unique Product and Service Offerings include, but are not limited to; - Graphic Design (Creative, Interactive Info and Branded Graphics that brings in Massive Result) - Digital Marketing (Customer Attraction and Retaining; Increased Profit Margin Using Digital Media - Graphics, Video, Website & Social Media etc.) - Social Media (Branding, Automation and Marketing to reach/retain more Clients) - Blogging (Branded-Customized, Automated Blog for Individuals and Businesses - Training (ICT Based Skills, Building a Profitable Brand/Business etc.) INDIVIDUAL CLIENT I personally devote a significant amount of time to each and every Client I work with, ensuring that they understand every Product and Service I provide and is satisfied 100% every step of the way. BUSINESS OWNERS I utilize a variety of Digital/Social Media Tools to help business owners grow their business, gain new customers, increase customer retention, and their overall profit margin.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Нигерия, Федеральная столичная территория, Abuja.

Социальные сети:

Facebook  аккаунт не найден
Instagram  аккаунт не найден

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Однофамильцы Israel Opadeyi

Opadeyi Israel

Нигерия, Abuja

12 января 1988