Divine Property

Divine Property, Греция, Mýkonos

Биография Divine

Divine Property проживает в городе Mýkonos, Греция. Родной город - Mykonos. Семейное положение Divine: замужем. Знак зодиака Козерог.

Страна: Греция
Город: Mýkonos
Родной город: Mykonos
Дата рождения: 1 января
Знак зодиака: Козерог
Семейное положение: состоит в браке

Divine пишет о себе

Divine Property S.A. is very dominating real-estate, property and accommodation operations organization with lots of experiences on luxury real estate, consulting, property operations and sales devoted with a objective of perfecting the expertise of hospitality. Developed in numerous fields of the hospitality business the company’s activities expand over a artistic selection of various sectors with the common aim of introducing an original intense concept that offers a full accommodation experience. We are thinking about managing a collection of properties of intense quality as well as character as opposed to quality of course. The Greek islands are the selection of our team for our illustrious properties and we are looking forward to expanding it in capitals for example London and Athens. Divine Property is wanting to make life much easier and comfortable for property owners. We provide the best securities and a gentle steam of incomes and at the same time releasing owners from the traumatic duties that include rental and property administration. Selected for their location, uniqueness and their exclusive characteristics each property is treated by our Divine team as our own with respect andcare to the property and the owner likewise. In summary, Divine Property was created and established with a single objective: to enhance the experience of hospitality to all of its demanding clients. Our objective is to reach a global level and reach an unparalleled degree of services offered by all of us.




* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Греция, Mýkonos.

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Однофамильцы Divine Property

Property Omran

Турция, Antalya

5 февраля 2001
Property Everest

Казахстан, Алматы

1 ноября 2003
Property Wayan

Индонезия, Denpasar

5 мая 1975
Property Bhavna

Индия, Delhi

5 января 1992