Richard Ritenour

Richard Ritenour, США, Los Angeles

Биография Richard

Richard Ritenour проживает в городе Los Angeles, США. Родной город - California . Семейное положение Richard: не женат. Знак зодиака Лев. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере.

Страна: США
Город: Los Angeles
Родной город: California
Дата рождения: 27 июля
Знак зодиака: Лев
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Richard пишет о себе

I'm 52 and I work as a chief engineer of large Building Construction Company in the United States and Europe. I'm pretty easy going and always stay optimistic. Enjoying life is what motivates me! I have 7 half sisters and 3 half-brothers, but I did not grow up with them. My parents were still students (not married) when I was born and I grew up with my aunt(mother biggest sister). My parents then married other partners. I met my father and his children (my half sisters and brothers) the first time in 1992. This was a very, very wonderful experience!!!My mother organized this meeting just before she died, she wanted so much that I got to know my father before she dies. she died a few months later. I am a fun loving person ,loves to try new things, loves to read novels while the thunder storms is making its noise outside, when i am with my partner love to play with her romantically, locking lips and all that, and it would be fun when we make love in the fire place kissing and drinking wine But on normal day, love to cook at the kitchen, drive around town with no destination looking around and seeing new place, I love American food, Mexican, seafoods, Chinese and Italian, love to try new foods too, i love cooking at times.when i finally meet my partner,i will tell her more about me. heheheh




* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Калифорния, Los Angeles.

Среднее образование:

Высшее образование:


New York University, США, New York City

Факультет: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Статус: Студент (магистр), Очное отделение

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Работа и карьера:


Hi-Tech AES, Великобритания

Brand manager

Годы работы: с 1995

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Twitter  аккаунт не найден
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Однофамильцы Richard Ritenour

Ritenour Patrick 22 октября 2002
Ritenour Don

США, Pittsburgh

13 августа 1983
Ritenour Travis 17 ноября 1994
Ritenour Nick

дата рождения не указана