Juliet Shattuck

Juliet Shattuck, США, Tampa

Биография Juliet

Juliet Shattuck проживает в городе Tampa, США. Родной город - Clear Water. Рождена в год Быка по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Близнецы. В настоящий момент Juliet 39 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем образовании.

Страна: США
Город: Tampa
Родной город: Clear Water
Возраст: 39 лет
Дата рождения: 20 июня 1985
Знак зодиака: Близнецы, год Быка
Семейное положение:

Juliet пишет о себе

I am very spiritually based, always looking to find the truth and happiness that life has to offer. I do not fill my life with material possessions, but surround myself with good hearted, open-minded, and giving people. I am extremely physically fit and enjoy challenging myself physically as well as mentally on a daily basis. On that note. I am a real person with a real life and want the same. I am a natural care taker. This trait can result in me putting more time into my partner then into myself. I seek to maintain a really good life balance. I am at that point in life where money, work, and home life are well balanced but there is more to life than all these .. Would give all of these up for the right woman. I do want to have that feeling that makes you feel like a teenager in love ..I don't know if there is anyone who understand what i really meant by that.I believe relationship is not about finding the right person its about being the right person, I'd rather be with a man who has big dreams and no money than a man with no dreams and big money. I must admit, I like a bit of a bad man — not an awful, I'm-going-to-treat-you-like-crap kind of lady or someone who has a lot of negative baggage or not being faithful issues, but someone who's going to push me to my limits and then pull back with a warm hug at the last minute. I am looking for someone who is going to be faithful, trustworthy, independent, and except me for me and everything about me.Truth is, I'm just a nice lady (most of the time) who's looking for some fun, companionship, friendship, long lasting partner in life (not necessarily in that order). I love funny Men who can hold me spellbound with a story or make me laugh until I cry. I also love creativity and passion. I love Men who are not afraid to be romantic and can share their emotions (but not in a crybaby way). Maybe it's your love of '80s movies, your baseball card collection or the fact that you moved across country with only a duffel bag — it doesn't matter. The right Man not only fascinates me but also brings out the best in me. We push each other to be the greatest people we can bolster each others egos and we leave short, thoughtful love messages for each other when we're away at work or out of town. If you're comfortable in your own skin have a strong sense of self and aren't afraid to expose your flaws, I'm sure we'll get along just fine.


Swimming, football, camping, traveling e.t.c


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, штат Флорида, Tampa.

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Однофамильцы Juliet Shattuck

Shattuck Adam

США, Centerburg

4 июля 2003
Shattuck Bob

США, Indianapolis

20 февраля 1959
Shattuck Rob

дата рождения не указана