Demian Sinclair

Demian Sinclair, Испания, Fuengirola

Биография Demian

Demian Sinclair проживает в городе Fuengirola, Испания. Родной город - Sevilla. Рожден в год Тигра по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Рыбы. В настоящий момент Demian 63 года, не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, службе в армии.

Страна: Испания
Город: Fuengirola
Родной город: Sevilla
Возраст: 63 года
Дата рождения: 8 марта 1962
Знак зодиака: Рыбы, год Тигра
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Demian пишет о себе

We are human by language, not by reason. That is why for me words have special attention, not because of what they can affect others, but because of the internalization effect they may have. It is the only way to discover your own conscience ... we have very little time to live and that is why I value it very much, besides the beauty that you are capable of capturing around you. For me, the most special form of beauty in the universe is in women, and I say it without being sexist. Beauty in women is a real fact. I understand the feminist movement perfectly, it is not perfect, but it tries to balance the balance and that is totally logical. But the contradiction between feminism and femininity is unreal and false. Beauty can not be ignored and relegated, in favor of the defenses of liberties, it is precisely doing the opposite and proposing a mechanism of repression. Contradictions do not exist in reality, only in our heads. In any case, each one has his own reality, under one law: I and only I write the rules of my world. I studied Art at the University of Seville, Faculty of Fine Arts and I graduated in 1989. But I never work, in a job related to the world of Art. However, I maintain the vision of art, the beauty, the expression of the models, the quality of the photographers, the compositions of the environments, sometimes it obtains incredible and incredible results. And when I was an art student in the faculty, I was posing nude during several classes to serve as a model to paint. The model is hard work, but in the end, being a model, you can see something about your own soul, reflected in a photo. Taken by a great photographer for a second. This is true and that's why I love the world of models and photographers. Anyway, being a professional in the world of computing, surrounded by machines, without religious beliefs and increasingly, without beliefs of any kind, I still maintain that part of me that tries to join the "world of magic". And that world of magic for me, is the art of the nude, where without clothes or ties, we can give the most authentic, of ourselves. HE WISHES FOR THE CLOTHS OF HEAVEN by W. B. Yeats. HAD I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half-light, I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. ОН ЖЕЛАЕТ ДЛЯ ОДЕЖДЫ НЕБЕСА У. Б. Йейтс. Если бы я вышитые ткани небес, Облеченный золотым и серебряным светом, Синяя, тусклая и темная одежда Ночи и света и полусвета, Я бы разложил одежду под ногами Но я, будучи бедным, имею только свои мечты; Я распространил свои мечты под вашими ногами; Ступай тихо, потому что ты наступаешь на мои мечты.


INFOSEC, OSINT, LINUX, LPIC, Open Source Technologies, Beauty, Nude Fine Art Style Photography, Network Security, Cooking, Beach, Cinema


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Испания, автономное сообщество Андалусия, Fuengirola.

Среднее образование:

Высшее образование:


Universidad de Sevilla, Испания, Sevilla

Кафедра: Bellas Artes

Статус: Выпускник (специалист), Очно-заочное отделение

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Однофамильцы Demian Sinclair

Sinclair Alpin

США, Chicago

7 ноября 2005
Sinclair Steve

Украина, Киев

1 февраля 1996
Sinclair Mark

США, Los Angeles

18 июля 1967
Sinclair Vincent

США, New York City

27 мая 1997