Daenerys Targaryen (Stormborn)

Daenerys Targaryen (Stormborn), Австрия, Wien

Биография Daenerys

Daenerys Targaryen проживает в городе Wien, Австрия. Родной город - Dragonstone. Девичья фамилия (фамилия до вступления в брак) - Stormborn. Семейное положение Daenerys: не замужем. Знак зодиака Скорпион. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем образовании, родственниках.

Страна: Австрия
Город: Wien
Родной город: Dragonstone
Дата рождения: 23 октября
Знак зодиака: Скорпион
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не замужем

Daenerys пишет о себе

Daenerys is the youngest child of King Aerys II Targaryen and his sister-wife, Queen Rhaella. Daenerys was conceived during the last month of Robert's Rebellion, the war which ended House Targaryen's reign over the Seven Kingdoms. Shortly thereafter, her mother was sent with the young prince Viserys to the family ancestral seat of Dragonstone to escape the rebel army which was marching towards King's Landing. Daenerys was born nine months after their flight, while a great storm raged above Dragonstone, sinking what remained of the Targaryen fleet; for this reason she is known as "Daenerys Stormborn". Her mother died in labor, but not before naming her. The war had been lost shortly after Rhaella had fled the city, after which Robert I Baratheon had claimed the throne. With Aerys, his eldest son Rhaegar, and Rhaegar's young children Rhaenys and Aegon dead, Daenerys and her older brother Viserys were the only known living Targaryen heirs. As Viserys had been crowned king on Dragonstone by their mother before her death, Daenerys received the title "Princess of Dragonstone" as Viserys's heir. Robert's brother, Stannis, had built a new fleet for the Baratheon's, and was planning to assault Dragonstone. With the Targaryen fleet destroyed by the storm during which Daenerys had been born, the garrison at Dragonstone planned to sell the Targaryen children to Robert. However, before they could act on this plan, Ser Willem Darry and several other loyal retainers rescued the children and smuggled them into exile, sailing to the Free City of Braavos. There, they lived for years in a house with a red door, where Daenerys had her own room, and a lemon tree underneath her window. Willem was old and sickly, but Daenerys remembers that he always treated her kindly. When Daenerys was five years old, Willem fell sick and slowly wasted away. After his death, the servants he had hired stole all they could. The young Targaryens were put out of the house a while after. As they were forced out, Daenerys wept. Viserys and Daenerys left Braavos, and wandered the Free Cities for years. They visited nearly all the Free Cities, including Myr, Tyrosh, Qohor, Volantis, and Lys,[ and returned to Braavos at least once. While at first they were welcomed by magisters and archons and merchant princes, with time doors their interests in the last Targaryens decreased. Daenerys and Viserys had to sell their last few treasures, and eventually their mother's crown. Selling their mother's crown took the last of Viserys's joy, leaving only rage. Daenerys remembers how Viserys once feasted the Golden Company, hoping they would take up his cause, but to on avail. Considering himself to be the rightful ruler, Viserys grew bitter and obsessed with the birthright he had been denied. Daenerys was a frequent target for his frustrations. He had never forgiven her for their mother's death in childbirth, and frequently warned her not to "wake the dragon" by angering him. Once, when Daenerys and Viserys were on their way to Braavos by ship, Daenerys expressed to her brother how fine it would be to be a sailor. Angry, Viserys twisted her hair until she cried.Because Viserys had often told her that their line must be "kept pure", Daenerys had grown up always believing that she would marry Viserys once she came of age. Though Viserys's growing bitterness made their relationship more troubled, Daenerys also has fond memories of her brother from times when he had not yet been so angry. He let her crawl into bed with him and told her stories about the Seven Kingdoms, about their family and their history, their dragons, and Robert's Rebellion. Almost everything Daenerys knew about Westeros she learned from Viserys, making her feel as if she knew what it was like without ever having been there. Viserys was intent on reclaiming their father's throne, and promised Daenerys a


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Австрия, Вена, Wien.

Высшее образование:


Aerys Targaryen, отец/мать
Rhaegar Targaryen, брат/сестра
Rhaella Targaryen, отец/мать
Viserys Targaryen, брат/сестра

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Однофамильцы Daenerys Targaryen

Targaryen Dænerys

Испания, Barcelona

21 июля 1902
Targaryen Deny

Германия, Gaimersheim

10 марта 1990
Targaryen Daenerys

Россия, Сочи

5 июня 1999
Targaryen Rhaegar

Германия, München

1 января