Mark Thompson

Mark Thompson, Украина, Киев

Биография Mark

Mark Thompson проживает в городе Киев, Украина. Родной город - Memphis, Tennessee, USA. Рожден в год Быка по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Водолей. В настоящий момент Mark 63 года, не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о карьере, родственниках.

Страна: Украина
Город: Киев
Родной город: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Возраст: 63 года
Дата рождения: 1 февраля 1961
Знак зодиака: Водолей, год Быка
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Mark пишет о себе

I retired at 46 and am an Ambassador with Wealthy Affiliate. Moved from Memphis, Tennessee to Kyiv, Ukraine. I teach people how to make money online. Also teach English with TEFL. I am 58 years young and retired from the corporate rat race 14 years ago. Everyone said I was crazy to retire so early. I said you are crazy for working at a job you hate till you are 70. I was born in Frayser, Tennessee and am now an American ex-pat living in Kyiv, Ukraine. I left 500k in salary on the table over the past decade and have no regrets. Money replenishes, itself, Time does not. I am a Certified Personal Trainer/ Fitness Nutritionist/ Specialist in Exercise Therapy and also Teach English as a Foreign Language (TEFL-Scotland) abroad. I travel the planet looking for discovery, adventure, and knowledge. I bought a condo last summer in Kyiv, Ukraine to be with the most amazing woman I have ever met in my life. I spend my time equally there and on the road. I am an avid golfer, competition chef, reader, music-loving, open water certified rescue scuba diver, and will do anything tor an adrenaline rush. I live by a strict Hierarchy of Values. I do not waiver from their adherence. 1) Health- I love helping people reach their health goals. Your body is a temple. 2) Wealth- Everyone has some type of wealth. 3) Faith- No explanation needed. Play hard, pray hard, all day, every day. 4) Purpose- I get joy/happiness from helping others. My happiness is not determined by how happy I am, but how happy those are around me. The cornerstone of achieving success is helping others(who appreciate it). 5) Absolute Freedom- This could be number 1 easily. The state in which absolutely nothing can restrain me from doing ANYTHING, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE my heart desires, neither myself nor any external forces, 6) Belonging- A sense of Community/ Social Relationships (WA filled a void) 7) Knowledge- The daily pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, adventure, and discovery, by traveling, reading, soaking in all of life's experiences and the wonderful things God has put on this planet. 8) Footloose- Life as most people live it leaves me empty and unsatisfied. I need a richer, more intense and challenging lifestyle. 9) Respect- All any man needs is respect. All any woman wants is to be loved. 10) Happiness- "Happiness is only real when shared"..Christopher McCandless I challenge everyone to WRITE DOWN your Hierarchy of Values. For most of you, FAMILY would top this list. I have none. My mom was born in 1921, Dad in 1905. I have so siblings and only a few first cousins living. Not enough to keep me in the USA. I found the love of my life in Ukraine and the country is amazing. The cost of living there is 75% cheaper than in the USA. They say you can never go home. They also say home is where the heart is. My heart is in Ukraine, so I AM GOING HOME. Unlimited possibilities exist for me. I worked my ass off to get where I am today and now I have Absolute Freedom. It will never be taken away from me. I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY AT WA, AND FULLY INTEND TO TEACH WA TO UKRAINIANS. The average salary there is $145/mth. I can really make a difference in the lives of so many there. MAKE A LIVING, MAKE A DIFFERENCE Mark


Scuba diving, golf, reading, cooking, affiliate marketing, Slavic ladies.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Украина, Киев, Киев.

Работа и карьера:


Wealthy Affiliate, Украина, Киев


Годы работы: с 2007 по 2019

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Edna And, дедушка/бабушка
None, внук/внучка
None, брат/сестра
None, сын/дочь
Paul And, отец/мать

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Однофамильцы Mark Thompson

Thompson Catherine

Россия, Санкт-Петербург

9 февраля
Thompson Jasmine

Великобритания, London

8 ноября 2000
Thompson Anne

Великобритания, London

30 апреля 2000
Thompson Andrew

США, Los Angeles

8 марта 1992