Iosif Thurlow

Iosif Thurlow, США, San Francisco

Биография Iosif

Iosif Thurlow проживает в городе San Francisco, США. Родной город - San Francisco, CA. Семейное положение Iosif: не женат.

Страна: США
Город: San Francisco
Родной город: San Francisco, CA
Дата рождения:
Знак зодиака:
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Iosif пишет о себе

I look for a woman writer *(keypal-penpal not a romantic partner. I am not interested in sex talk, or marriage or sending money to anyone no matter what they say. I'm interested in many areas of science, art, music, travel (I no longer travel; but I like to read and talk about it), preparing food, cooking using the microwave. I drink, coffee, yerba mate and teas and fruit drinks and yogur. I like animals and support their increased protections and rights. I volunteered in a few places (Universities, hospital and for survivors of trauma.) I walk daily with my dog. I'm happy having a great time now for years. I don't drink alcohol, smoke or use drugs. I don't go clubbing. I don't like sports. I went to colleges/universities in California (University of California and others.) Graduate school was not useful for my study as I already did undergraduate successful research; but my 20 years as an undergraduate student were great. I had many college jobs. I like visiting Europe often on my way to work with a stop over by Jet to see friends. Although I liked Paris I prefer smaller cities with natural beauty and clean air, clean water, clean beaches and no pollution or litter or noise pollution either from cars and airplanes. I can entertain time with discourse about trivial fond matters popular to some; yet I prefer honest language use about things that matter whether current or in history.


Languages (Linguistics), health, world news. Reading poetry, listening to poets read their poems. I like to cook. I read science journals and their articles. I read news from many different sources. I'm interested in Russian, Kazahk literature and other literature from surrounding countries. I don't read or write or speak Russian. I'm curious about life in, Kazakh, Russia, Ukraine and surrounding countries. I have had many scammers from Russia and Africa write me asking for email/skype after claiming attraction or interest even though my profile says I'm only interested in a woman penpal; not a romance, date or soul mate or wife or companion. I'm happy in life not looking for a partner


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Калифорния, San Francisco.

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Однофамильцы Iosif Thurlow

Thurlow Josh

Великобритания, Newcastle upon Tyne

20 января 2004
Thurlow Kourtney 21 декабря 2000
Thurlow Rob

Великобритания, London

19 марта 1991
Thurlow Owen 23 февраля 1990